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Winding down…?

23 Nov

Next week is my final week of class, then I have a final paper, 2 take-home exams and I’m done until January!  So I guess you can say school is finally winding down but there’s still a rather sizeable amount of work to do.  But I did take the time this morning to make a delicious breakfast.

Celine’s Peanut Butter Granola!

This is really good (it’s so hard to restrain myself for going back for another bowl) and oh so simple.  I’ve never made my own granola before and I’m embarassed to recall that I’ve actually paid for it in the past.  It’s so easy and I always have the ingredients to make it on hand. This peanut butter Granola is pure bliss, akin to a peanut butter cookie with a tall glass of cold soy milk.