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Cracking open Veganomicon…

4 Nov

I would like to sincerely thank everyone who gave their condolences regarding Rascal.  My family and I miss him very much and your kind words of understanding and remorse mean so much to us.  Thank you.

I got Veganomicon in the mail almost two weeks ago (I think, I may have to check on that) and only had to time to awe at its vastness.  Yesterday, I decided to try out a recipe (and it wasn’t a cookie, can you believe it?!).  I tried the Udon with Shiitake Mushrooms and Kale with Miso Broth.  I love mushrooms, I love kale, and I adore miso so this recipe was in no way going to disapoint me. 

And disappoint me it did not.  I loved its simplicity, you could really appreciate all of the ingredients, nothing was overpowering y’know?  I had it with Eden’s Kamut Udon noodles, it was quite good, I love pasta and if it’s healthy that’s even better. 

There has been much talk about VeganMoFo around the blogging world and I want to participate so bad!  But, alas, November will be my busiest month class-wise so I definitely won’t have time to blog everyday.  (I might not even have time to eat!)  Oh well, I hope I can at least make time to read all the wonderful blogs who are participating, and there’s always next year.